Availability in emergencies
If something goes wrong on-site and you urgently need our help, you can reach us 24/7 on our emergency number +49 898 299 3310. Save this number on your phone just in case so that you can contact us quickly if necessary. We will be happy to assist you.
What is the Sunny Cars emergency number and when should you call it?
Our emergency number is +49 898 299 3310. You can also find it on your voucher.
Our emergency number is your point of contact in various situations where there are problems with your rental car and you urgently need a quick solution. Here are a few examples:
- You can’t pick up the vehicle at the agreed time.
- Your flight is delayed and you want to inform the vehicle fleet provider.
- The booked rental car is not available on-site in time or is not available at all.
- You get a different vehicle category from what you originally booked.
- The information on returning the rental car does not match the agreed conditions.
- When collecting the vehicle, you are aggressively offered additional services that you do not need or want.
Do you have to call the Sunny Cars emergency number in the event of damage?
No, in the event of an accident it is not necessary to call our emergency number. It is important to inform the local rental partner of the damage and discuss the next steps with them. Depending on the situation, it may also be necessary to inform the local police. You will find the relevant contact details on your voucher.
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